Hague Swimming club
for LGBTI+ & friends

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The open water training sessions form a very enjoyable and sportive component of Plons. These sessions take place in the same period as the KNZB-tournaments, usually from the second half of April till the end of September. Plons members with no or little experience in swimming in open water are given the opportunity to take their first dip in the open water under supervision of a qualified trainer. 

As opposed to our indoor pool training sessions, OWS sessions heavily depend on the water quality and the weather conditions. Prior to these training sessions advance notice is given via the Spond-app and the Plons website agenda whether the training is still on or is cancelled. All remaining information and last-minute alterations are announced in the Spond-app in order that we are able to swift quickly. Be aware therefore that time and place of the open water training sessions may alter till one hour prior to the training session.  Therefore, SIGNING ON FOR A TRAINING SESSION THROUGH THE SPOND-APP IS COMPULSORY. 

To be able to take part in Open Water training sessions you need to have adequate basic swimming skills. If you are not sure your skills are sufficient, it may be wise for you to  consult the relevant coordinator, a OWS attendant or one of the Plons trainers before you sign on for an open water event on Spond. The organizers of a particular open water event classify the participants on the basis of their competence. 

Those who wish to participate in an open water tournament or event please see the page Participate in open water tournaments in the member section.

Signing up for an open water training can only be done through the use of the Spond- app. Non-Plons members must register with the coordinator in charge at least 24 hours prior to the training session using the form bellow: “DEELNAME TRAINING MELDEN”. Of non-members a fee is required. 

A safe and enjoyable swimming experience

To provide open water swimmers with a safe and enjoyable swimming environment Plons follows the official recommendations with regard to open water swimming drawn up by the KNZB (Royal Dutch Swimming Association) as stated bellow. As such, open water participants are required to wear a bright coloured buoy and an equally bright coloured cap.  Additionally, participants must at all times follow the instructions by the organizers. Finally, participants need to take responsibility for their own safety as well as that of their fellow team-members. 

Insurance participants

With regard to insurance, the same KNVB- terms apply to open water training as they do to  other Plons activities. Be aware though that in case of personal injury participants are obliged to use his or her own insurance, as Plons makes use of secondary insurance. For more information, please consult the KNZB-website. Participants are advised to check whether their insurance covers accidents and/or personal injuries during open swim activities.  

Recommendations KNZB, which are to be found on www.KNZB.nl:

  • Check the water quality (see www.zwemwater.nl )
  • Check the water temperature. Don’t jump in when the water is below 15 degrees. Always wear a wetsuit and swimming cap if the water temperature is below 18 degrees https://waterinfo.rws.nl/#!/kaart/watertemperatuur
  • Assess the situation on sight. Check whether there are any currents. Check the weather forecast.  Make sure you are able to recognize your starting point and determine what your destination is. Make sure you know what further risks are involved
  • Discuss with your fellow swimmers adequate safety procedures
  • When you take part in open water swimming for the first time, build up slowely; start with a short session. Every new experience needs getting used to
  • Start your first swimming session in shallow water or near the waterfront. When the water temperature rises, gradually swim into deeper waters
  • Always swim in pairs and use a swimming buoy
  • Make sure you bring along a thermal blanket and a hot drink, for you will need these at the end of the training session to heat up your body temperature. 

Open water swimming in the sea

In principle the open water swimming sessions are held in inner waterways, such as ponds and lakes. But being so near the North Sea coast, Plons has now also introduced open water sessions in the sea as well. These sessions are an excellent alternative when the water quality of the inland waters is below acceptable levels. These sea swimming sessions take place provided conditions are safe enough. The pre-conditions apply to both sea swimming sessions as well as open water sessions. 

In addition to open water swimming there are a number activities which are not organized by Plons in which both members of Plons as well as non-members of Plons take part. These activities are launched privately. It concerns:

  • Swimming in the sea (ad-hoc) via the zeezwemmen-WhatsApp group
  • Ice swimming in the Put during autumn, winter and spring

For more information about the above activities use the Contact-form.

Photos and privacy

At certain events, such as swimming competitions etc, it is often customary to have group photos taken and then put on the Plons website. Anyone who does not want to be photographed should step aside. It sometimes happens that team members individually take pictures of other team members, including those who do not wish to be photographed. 

Therefor please observe the following guide lines:

  1. Make sure that before you take a picture of group of people that all of them give their consent.
  2. Never take group photo’s unsolicited
  3. Do not in any way share photos you have taken of person(s) on whatsApp or other social media channels unless you are absolutely certain that none of those individuals do not object.
  4. If you yourself do not wish to appear on a photo that is about to be taken, clearly make this known to the person who has taken the shot. If that has no effect, please report this via the Contact-form, so that immediate action can be taken.

Taking photos and sharing these on social media channels is allowed provided it is not in violation of the Privacy policy of Plons.