Unacceptable behaviour: by unacceptable behaviour or sexual intimidation is meant any form of undesirable verbal, non verbal or physical behaviour with a sexual connotation aimed at or resulting in the violation of a person’s dignity, in particular when a threatening, hostile, insulting, humiliating or hurtful environment is created.
What makes Plons unique in relation to other ‘normal’ clubs is the variety of people in our club. It is Plons’ objective to offer its members a safe environment where both LGBTI people and straight people can be themselves. But at the same time it is paramount that all members with their background and experience are alert to undesirable behaviour.
More than in other club communities numerous members of Plons had the experience of discovering and/or coming to terms with their sexual identity and thereby appreciating the diversity in the Plons community. All these common experiences sometimes create situations in which some of the club members interact in a more casual way, both in word or gesture, than members do in other clubs. It is often the case in conversations between members that only a single word is enough to describe an entire life, and of course there is nothing wrong if there is a measure of wit used during interactions. Its liberating effect does wonders. But on the basis of what binds people in our club together, club members should be aware when certain boundaries are overstepped.
Should trainers or swimmers encounter unacceptable behaviour by other trainers, swimmers, club donors or swimming poll staff, please report this to our two confidantes (VCP’s) Martine van Grieken and Gerard van Reijsen. They can be reached through